Look Inside a Timberdoodle Curriculum Kit
I wish we could sit down at our kitchen counter with each of you as friends and talk through a Timberdoodle Kit. Wouldn't it be so fun to think about your child and how a Timberdoodle kit would work spectacularly for him or ought to be customized to make it perfect? But since that isn't really possible, let's do the next best thing and walk through a kit virtually. We've chosen first grade, since many of you have a first-grader and since it is a pretty fair representation of all Timberdoodle Kits. We’ll describe each item in the Elite editions of...

Blog Hop: Summer Learning
Summer activities are going strong in our neighborhood! Lots of fun and yes, definitely some learning! Many homeschool families school year round. Others take a break from formal schoolwork in the summertime. But that doesn't mean the learning stops! Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, swimming, camping, free play... Indoor activities such as unassigned reading, table games, art, crafts, movies... Structured activities such as Vacation Bible School, the summer reading program at your library, sports, day camps... Family vacations and day trips... All of these are excellent opportunities to reinforce and supplement all the things your children have been learning....

Meet the 2019-2020 Timberdoodle Blog Team!

Meet the Veer Cruiser