As we kick off the 2019-2020 school year we are looking forward to sharing some fabulous product reviews with you! We also have some fun blog hops and other activities planned, so be watching for those as well.
If you're a blogger and think you might like to join us, we accept applications all year long. Feel free to check out our expectations here and let us know if you'd like to be considered for the team.
We thought you might like to meet the current members of our blog team who will be sharing their experiences. We have a diverse group of bloggers this year, from new mommies just starting out with their little ones to older moms with grandchildren. They blog about a wide variety of topics including homeschooling, supplemental learning for public school, parenting, homemaking, organization, money saving tips, encouragement, faith, and more. They would love it if you would visit their blogs and say hello!

Alicia is a veteran homeschool mom. She shares about homeschool organization and routine, literature, hands-on learning, and art on her blog at Learning Well Community.
Amanda B.

Amanda is a homeschool mom of 3. She blogs about motherhood, traveling with kids, marriage, and faith at A Work of God.
Amanda H.

Amanda is a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom. She blogs about homeschooling and family living at Hopkins Homeschool.
Amanda S.

Amanda is a Christian, homeschooler, wife, and mother of 5 children. She blogs about homeschooling, mom life, and encouragement at Joyful Wife Life.

Daisy is a stay-at-home mom who loves animals, crocheting, and cross-stitching. She blogs about homeschooling and crafts at One Luckey Wife.

Dana blogs about arts and crafts, kids' activities, deals, and books at The Art Kit.

Erin is a homeschooling mom of 5. She shares funny homeschool moments, travel adventures, local events, frugal finds, and more at her blog, Mommy Octopus.

Gina is a second-generation homeschooler and a third-culture kid, child to homeschool pioneers and missionaries. She homeschools her neurologically gifted 8-year-old. She blogs about homeschooling, theology, books, interior design, and much more at Oaxacaborn.
Heather O.

Heather is mom to 3 girls ranging in age from 13 to 23, as well as a wedding and family photographer. She blogs about photography, education, home organization, decorating, and family life at Heather O'Steen Photography.

Hope is a second-generation homeschooler and youth pastor's wife. She blogs about homemaking, parenting, homeschooling, and faith at The Youth Pastor's Wife.

Jeni is just a mom, standing in front of her kids, asking them to learn something. She blogs about homeschooling, Montessori materials and concepts, and product reviews at Cosmic Montessori School.
Jennifer F.

Jennifer is a wife, mother of 12, grandmother of 10, and a veteran homeschooler. She blogs about homeschooling, parenting, and family life at Flanders Family Homelife.
Jennifer L.

Jennifer is a wife, mother of 6, and homeschooler. She blogs about education and family life at Homeschool Happenings.

Jess stays at home with her 2 girls while her husband works hard as a law enforcement officer. She blogs about homeschooling, camping, traveling, and family life at Educating Everywhere.

Jessica is a mother of 5 children ages 14, 11,9, 7 and 2.5 years old. She is happily married to her husband of 14 years. She blogs about homeschool topics at She's Just a Mom.

Juno is a mom of 3, wife, and now teacher who is winging it. She blogs about homeschooling along everyday life at Homeschooling Along.

Karie is a stay-at-home wife, mom, homeschooler, and registered nurse. She blogs about faith, homeschooling, family life, and time/income management at Anyday Blessings.

Karla is a coffee-drinking, book-loving, small-town girl. She is married to her college sweetheart and a veteran homeschool mom of 2. She blogs about books, writing, homeschooling, and family adventures at Roads to Everywhere.

Kathleen is mom to Ethan, Justin, Ashley, and Brandon, who host the QuadSquad YouTube channel where they share fun videos for the whole family. Science experiments, cooking, crafts, brain building games, and much more!

Kathryn is currently a stay-at-home mom, and homeschools her seven children, ages 2-15. She has a degree in Zoology and a passion for animals and education. She shares about life, family, kids, and product reviews on her blog Cummins Life.

Ki is a 30-something momma of four; traveling, eating, homeschooling, making their house a home, and learning as she goes. She blogs about parenting, homeschooling, traveling, and lifestyle at The Learning Momma.

Kristen is a housewife and mother to a teen stepson and two younger children. She is a certified social studies teacher and has worked as a volunteer at a National Park site, in the education department of a metropolitan zoo, and as a high school history teacher. She blogs about homeschooling, books, crafts, holidays, and history at A Mom's Quest to Teach.

Lacey blogs about parenting, homeschooling, faith, and everyday living at So Every Day.
Laura Noelle

Laura Noelle is a second-generation homeschooler, a professional organizer, and a life-long learner. She blogs about simplicity for the home, family, wellness, and heart at Laura Noelle.

Lisa has been married to her best friend John for over 18 years, and together they raise their 4 boys. They are a homeschooling family of faith and enjoy spending time together. She blogs about homeschooling, family, and faith at A Rup Life.

MaryAnne enjoys life as the mother of four young, playful, curious, craft-loving children. Her passions include parenting, photography, hands-on learning, sewing, crochet, and anything that encourages learning and creativity throughout life. She blogs about crafts, education, parenting, and family travel at Mama Smiles.

Meighan shares about God, daily life, traveling, food, homeschool, beauty, fun, and more on her YouTube channel Snips and Snails.
Melissa H.

Melissa is a homeschooling, crunchy mom to three kids, ages 14, 9, and 8. They are living a satisfying life on one income, eating as naturally as possible, and homeschooling in a gentle, fun manner. She blogs about homeschooling, healthy eating, book reviews, financial and personal goals at Mom's Plans.

Michele is a military wife and mom to four kids. She blogs about homeschooling, product reviews, and family at Family, Faith, and Fridays.
Natasha homeschools her 5 girls still left at home. On her YouTube channel, Educational Roots, you will find lots of curriculum flip-throughs and reviews, updates on their homeschool journey, thrift hauls, and general homeschool videos.
Rachael L.

Rachael is a homeschool mom of one. She shares her thoughts, curriculum reviews, organization techniques, and planning ideas with others in the homeschool community on her YouTube channel, The Graceful Skinny.
Rachel C.

Rachel is a Minnesota cowgirl with a house full of kids, a husband, and a ranch to run. She is also a self published author/writer. She blogs about ranching, kids, and family at The Ranch Woman.
Rachel G.

Rachel is married to the man of her dreams. She has 3 amazing kids, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and an adorable grandson. She writes about making good choices and keeping a positive attitude in the tough times at her blog, Rachel Easley Going.

Ronda created the blog, Just a Secular Homeschooler, to be your resource to all things homeschooling. She is dedicated to finding the best secular curriculum, sharing project ideas, and disseminating tips on how to balance homeschooling life with a career, marriage, and life outside of children.

Roxanne is a book hoarding, coffee loving, homeschooling mama of 3. She blogs about curriculum, books, poetry tea time, STEM materials, and homeschool shenanigans at Homework and Horseplay.

Tanya is a newbie homeschooler, mom of 3 delicious hooligans, bookworm, MD, JD, and expert eyeroller. She shares videos on secular homeschooling, motherhood, thrifting, planning, organizing, and generally staying sane as she transitions from a working mom into a homeschooling SAHM on her YouTube channel Project Happy Home.

Teresa is a wife, homeschooling mom, and grandma. She blogs about books, homeschooling, and family life at Living Life: Hour By Hour.

Tina is mom to 4 beautiful, crazy, completely different and genuine children. She blogs about faith, parenting teens, and homeschooling at My Penned Heart.
Tracey is a proud mama of two boys. She enjoy crafts, reading, and just generally enjoying spending time with her guys. She blogs about parenting and homeschooling at MamaBean's Blog.