What are Doodle Dollars?

What are Doodle Dollars?

Did you know that with almost every online Timberdoodle purchase you earn reward points? Spend a dollar, and we’ll give you a nickel back in credit. Buying a Kindergarten Curriculum Kit for $795? You’ll add $39.75 to your Doodle Dollars account! Review that kit once it arrives and add a picture, and you’ll have $44 to spend on anything from Timberdoodle, even shipping! Here are all the details:timberdoodle.com/doodledollars Deb: So Pearl, today we’re going to talk about Doodle Dollars: How do you get them? What do you do with them? Tell me what you know! Pearl: Sure. Let’s start with what they...

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When Homeschooling Isn't Fun

When Homeschooling Isn't Fun

Deb: Hope, what question are we looking at today? Hope: Well, the question we’re looking at today is one that probably every homeschooling family encounters. It is, “What do I do when my child doesn’t want to do the school work? Deb: Actually, I don’t think you see this much now [at the beginning of the year] because we’re all in the honeymoon stage, but probably around Christmas time, and certainly when you start up again, it’s like, “Oh, do we have to do this?” What are some of the reasons kids balk at doing their school work? Hope: Well, there’s a lot of...

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Does Timberdoodle Work for Students with Dyslexia?

Does Timberdoodle Work for Students with Dyslexia?

It’s a common question around here, and the simple answer is yes! Many children with dyslexia have great success with Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits. Watch the video to find out what customizations we suggest, and why it seems to work so well. Hope: So, Pearl, the question for today is, does our curriculum work with children who have dyslexia? Pearl: This is a question I’ve gotten a lot via email and I always say yes, because even though it’s not been specifically designed in all aspects for children with dyslexia, it has many components that will be appealing and helpful for children with...

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7 Reasons to Consider Timberdoodle

7 Reasons to Consider Timberdoodle

Have you been looking for an amazing curriculum this year? Look no farther! Here are seven quick reasons to consider Timberdoodle’s comprehensive curriculum kits. Our curriculum is award-winning. Timberdoodle curriculum kits received first place in Practical Homeschooling’s 2017 and 2018 reader awards. Meanwhile, the individual components of our kits have received countless additional awards. Hands-on learning. Parents and kids love how Timberdoodle integrates hands-on exploration into our curriculum. Reinforce geography with puzzles. Build a robotic dog or bird. Put together a human body torso or a Roman arch bridge. Now, this is learning that sticks. STEM skills. Because STEM skills–science, technology, engineering, and...

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What About High School Transcripts and Diplomas?

What About High School Transcripts and Diplomas?

If you have the privilege of homeschooling a high school student, you’ve probably wondered about transcripts and diplomas, particularly if your child is college-bound. Hope: Our question for today is regarding high school transcripts. And you guys have asked us “I don’t know how to classify what schoolwork my child has done this year, how to classify that onto the transcript!” and “I don’t know how to make a transcript!” What can you tell us about that? Pearl: Sure. So we get that question a lot and our favorite answer is to go to HSLDA, which is the Home School Legal Defense Association....

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