Timberdoodle Blog — Timberdoodle News

Timberdoodle Communities

Timberdoodle Communities

Social Media Groups for Encouragement, Support, and Idea Sharing Looking for a place to hang out online with like-minded homeschoolers? Wondering how anyone else handled this particular science kit? Or wishing you could encourage someone just getting started this year? Join one or more of our Timberdoodle social media groups: Join the general Timberdoodle Homeschool Community Facebook group if you enjoy using a Timberdoodle approach to homeschooling whether that is with one of our curriculum kits or not. We also have a Timberdoodle Homeschool Community MeWe group if you prefer that platform. If you’re homeschooling using Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits for Tiny Tots,...

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Why Timberdoodle Won't Be at Conventions in 2016

Why Timberdoodle Won't Be at Conventions in 2016

After much prayer, deliberation and discussion, Timberdoodle has made the difficult decision to forgo all homeschool conferences this year. We totaled both our rig and our trailer in our wreck last year, which plunged us into much consideration and debate as we sought wisdom from God to see if we should pursue investing in a new rig, or whether we should take a year off from attending conferences to regroup. It is with both sadness and peace that we have concluded that a year off from conferences is our next step. Our convention crew will truly miss you all, your friendly...

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Surprise! Curriculum Planning Really Isn't for Everyone

Surprise! Curriculum Planning Really Isn't for Everyone

Let's Build Curriculum Kits Families tell us they love our Curriculum Kits but I wonder how many realize why it took us so long to offer that option. For over twenty years we clung to the belief that if you were going to go to the work of homeschooling, you would want to hand-select each item for each child. After all, that was what our family had chosen to do! Of course, we had always been eager to help families, and it was not uncommon for a mom to call asking where to start for a particular grade. We would give some...

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