Why Timberdoodle Won't Be at Conventions in 2016 />

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Why Timberdoodle Won't Be at Conventions in 2016

After much prayer, deliberation and discussion, Timberdoodle has made the difficult decision to forgo all homeschool conferences this year.

We totaled both our rig and our trailer in our wreck last year, which plunged us into much consideration and debate as we sought wisdom from God to see if we should pursue investing in a new rig, or whether we should take a year off from attending conferences to regroup. It is with both sadness and peace that we have concluded that a year off from conferences is our next step.

Our convention crew will truly miss you all, your friendly faces, support, laughter and making new friends. Our last few years have put thousands of miles on our vehicles, and given us just as many treasured memories.

The team anticipates that being home will enable us to roll out some new ways for you to see our products and ask us questions. And you may be sure that we will reevaluate towards the end of 2016 to set a course for 2017 and beyond.
