Timberdoodle Blog — Timberdoodle News

Payment Plan Options

Payment Plan Options

Did you know that "back in the day" Timberdoodle refused to take credit cards out of fear that we were encouraging families to buy more than they could afford? It sounds absolutely ridiculous now, but in that era of mailed checks, we felt it was perfectly reasonable. So how did we get from there to accepting payment plans? And how do payment plans work on our site anyway? Deb and Hope explain why and other details in this video: Many of you are asking about payment plans this month, so here are a few of the nitty-gritty details for you...

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2021 Reading Challenges

2021 Reading Challenges

Each curriculum kit handbook this year includes a Reading Challenge with grade-appropriate themes and diverse genres that will have you and your child reading a wide variety of titles. Hundreds, if not thousands (depending on your grade level), book suggestions are included in your handbook, and many categories are directly related to your student’s grade-level topics and content. This makes reading more enjoyable for everyone and provides flexibility as well! The 2021 Reading Challenge will prove to be a handy resource to build your library list and inspire your student reader. Tiny Tots, Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten With the Exploring My World theme,...

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Free  2021 Catalog!

Free 2021 Catalog!

Our 2021 catalogs are in the mail now, inching their way across the country. If you've ordered from our website in the past year or so, or requested a catalog in that time, you'll get the new edition by default. If you're not sure or if you're new to Timberdoodle, make sure you request one here so that we can get it headed your way ASAP! We'll send a free paper catalog to any USA mailing address, and a PDF version will be released on April 15, 2021 for those of you who want fast access or live abroad.

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Warehouse Moving Sale!

Warehouse Moving Sale!

We're moving warehouses and have some great deals for you! From lost (now found) remnants, to items too dusty or dented to sell at full price, and even some perfect items that have been discontinued, making it loathsome to find short-term shelf space for them. Basically, this is our damaged sale 2.0, but some items have no damage. Much like the damaged sale, we anticipate that items will begin selling out within minutes. Here are all the details: #1. Every Item is Useable Many items in this sale have some sort of imperfection due to overly-enthusiastic movers, languishing on a...

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