Timberdoodle Blog — Homeschool Tips

How to Homeschool Multiple Children At Once

How to Homeschool Multiple Children At Once

It's a fair and common question: "How am I going to teach all my children at different levels at the same time?" Don't worry; it really is doable! First, have you seen the articles floating around about how much time a child actually needs to spend sitting and concentrating? A kindergartener, for instance, is expected to spend 30-90 minutes a day at traditional schoolwork in this distance learning world, with only 3-5 minutes at a time of sustained attention. (The whole chart is below.) This confirms what many of us have experienced. A great day of homeschooling does not need...

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Homeschool Planning Round-Up

Homeschool Planning Round-Up

In this week's round-up members of our Blog Team are sharing some great tips and resources for planning your homeschool year. How I Plan My Entire Homeschool Year in 10 Easy Steps video by Educational Roots. Tips for a Homeschool Rhythm You'll Love by Create Your Homeschool. How to Plan Your Homeschool Year by Bible Momma. 6 Tips for a Successful {Home} School Year by  Wonder-Filled Days. Overview of the Homeschooling Planning Tools I Use by Just a Secular Homeschooler. Homeschool Planning for Year Round Homeschoolers by A Mom's Quest to Teach. Planning Your Homeschool Year When Your Child Doesn't Fit the Academic Mold...

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Free Homeschool Resources from our Blog Team

Free Homeschool Resources from our Blog Team

In this week's round-up members of our Blog Team are sharing some great free resources to supplement your homeschool curriculum. Many of these resources would be wonderful for summer learning! Homeschool for Free 100+ Ideas to Homeschool for Free from Oaxacaborn Blog How to Homeschool for Free from Educational Roots Top 5 Homeschool Apps from Create Your Homeschool Free Books Free E-books and Audiobooks for Kids from Roads to Everywhere Free and Inexpensive Books for Kids from The Art Kit Free Printables Homeschool Printables from Mimi's Dollhouse STEM Learning + Life Cycle of a Plant from Create Your Homeschool Dinosaur...

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Outdoor Learning Blog Hop

Outdoor Learning Blog Hop

With the weather warming up it's a great time to get outdoors! Had you considered taking school out to the backyard? Or maybe the front porch? Even with having to stay home these days a little fresh air and sunshine can go a long ways towards reviving the spirit! This week members of our blog team share tips for outdoor learning... nature studies, gardening, ideas for getting kids active... and maybe even some spring field trips further abroad once social distancing restrictions are lifted! What's Growing at Solid Rock Farm? (a throwback post) from Timberdoodle Camping with Kids from Roads to Everywhere Independent...

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Short-Term Homeschooling

Short-Term Homeschooling

We have been contacted by many of you who find yourselves unexpectedly homeschooling and are looking for help to come up with an academic plan for your child...

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