Timberdoodle Blog — Homeschool Tips

Career Planning for Your Homeschooled High School Students

Career Planning for Your Homeschooled High School Students

9 Tips and Thoughts A GED Isn’t Worst Case!In our family, a GED defines graduation and not a diploma. I know that most people hear “I have a GED.” and think dropout, unwed mother, or possibly “did time.” But before you become too alarmed, keep in mind that we look at things from an employer’s point of view. In our experience a high school diploma primarily means that the young person did their time in class. While showing up is important, it is just the beginning of what we expect from our employees! A GED requires some basic proficiencies in...

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How to Get the Most Out of a Homeschool Conference

How to Get the Most Out of a Homeschool Conference

Homeschool conventions can be either a blessing or a blight to home educating families. Notoriously expensive to attend, what with registration, transportation, and hotel fees, many families find that the cost to merely walk though the convention door can amount to hundreds of dollars. Is it worth it? How can you get the most out of a homeschool conference? Homeschool conferences offer two enticements: speakers and vendors. You will be miles ahead in making a financially prudent decision by knowing who is attending. While we can’t speak impartially to the value of attending just for the speakers – we have...

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Who Are Your Kids Teaching?

Who Are Your Kids Teaching?

By January, the anticipation of a new school year has become a distant memory and the remaining months of homeschooling loom either as mountains of drudgery or peaks of delight. While using a relevant curriculum is paramount, I suspect that there is another key element at play here, one that most homeschooling parents would do well to consider. Whatever your reason for undertaking a task of this great magnitude, the relevant question to consider is how you see your decision to homeschool altering with time? In your wildest dreams, do you think that in years to come, government schools will...

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