Spelling You See - Level A

Spelling You See - Level A
Our Price: $45.00

All About Reading Level 1 Full-Color Edition

All About Reading Level 1 Full-Color Edition
Our Price: $203.85

I Can Doodle Rhymes cover. Bright green background with an illustration of a dog holding a 2-scoop ice cream cone. The dog is looking up at the ice cream with his tongue licking his lips and wagging his tail in anticipation of eating the ice cream. To the left of the dog is a blue bowl with a bone in it. The title at the top is in a font that looks like a child wrote it, except the R in "rhymes" is a fancy circus type font.

I Can Doodle Rhymes
Our Price: $17.99

A Reason for Handwriting - Kindergarten

A Reason for Handwriting - Kindergarten
Retail: $23.95
Our Price: $22.75

Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet Bingo
Our Price: $16.95

Italic Handwriting Book A cover. Yellow flowers in front of a large rock structure. Cover reads; natural to write, easy to teach, fun to learn.

Italic Handwriting Book A Kindergarten
Our Price: $13.75

The Wikki Stix Alphabet Deluxe set. To the left is the Neon Pack that has many neon-colored wax-covered strings. There are completed projects using the wax sticks on the packaging. The Alphabet set to the right is a white box with a picture of 2 of the Alphabet boards in the middle. The A and B boards have uppercase and lowercase letters with an ant and a butterfly on them. There is a hand coming out from the bottom-right corner putting a wax stick on the lower-case b.

Wikki Stix Alphabet Deluxe
Retail: $23.90
Our Price: $25.95

My First Pencils

My First Pencils
Our Price: $7.45

Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright book cover. The main portion of the cover is a wide-eyed tiger illustration with a watercolor look to it. The tiger is orange with white and black stripes with yellow eyes. The tiger is peering out from a leafy bush. The title is in read at the top with white text above that reads "an animal poem for every day of the year."

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright
Retail: $40.00
Our Price: $39.95

GeoStix Letter Construction Set. The box, in the lower-left corner, is open with pieces and activity cards in side. To the right is a praying mantis, created from the GeoStix pieces. There are letters at the top created from the GeoStix in the sequence of capital A, lowercase A, capital B, lowercase B, capital C, lowercase C. The GeoStix pieces are in many shapes and colors, including; multiple sizes of straight pieces, and multiple sizes of curved, circular, pieces.

GeoStix Letter Construction Set
Retail: $34.99
Our Price: $34.99

A Reason for Handwriting - Teacher Guidebook

A Reason for Handwriting - Teacher Guidebook
Retail: $32.95
Our Price: $31.95

Letter Tiles (new version)

Letter Tiles (new version)
Our Price: $25.95

Magnatab Uppercase - Multicolor

Magnatab Uppercase - Multicolor
Retail: $24.99
Our Price: $29.99

Horizons Phonics and Reading Kindergarten

Horizons Phonics and Reading Kindergarten
Our Price: $228.00

Reading Games with Ziggy the Zebra

Reading Games with Ziggy the Zebra
Our Price: $20.95

The Reading Lesson Book

The Reading Lesson Book
Our Price: $36.95

Animals Reading Challenge eBook

Animals Reading Challenge eBook
Retail: $9.99
Our Price: $9.99

Language Builder ARIS Full Autism Curriculum

Language Builder ARIS Full Autism Curriculum
Our Price: $5,995.00