Homeschooling high school

If you have made it this far through home schooling, you have shown true tenacity. Easy or not, you will now begin to reap the rewards for all your labors. If you are new to home schooling, you've arrived at a great time. High schoolers are lucid and old enough now to shoulder the responsibility of their own education. If character has been a cornerstone of your family life, then answer keys can be turned over to your honest scholars and the drudgery of correcting papers will fall by the wayside. Thus, from initial assignment to final score, seeking wisdom becomes their duty. Your job title is slowly shifting from teacher to guidance counselor.

What do you recommend for homeschooling high school?

Let's assume your child is working at grade level or beyond in reading and math. If not, spend however long necessary bringing him up to speed. Then keep him there by tailoring his curriculum to him. 

Even if your child is not college-bound he will need to know how to reason with the world he will be living in. Does he know how to defend creationism to an evolutionist? Is his singular passion revealing the glory of God? These are bigger issues than academics.

Complete high school curriculum

If you are looking for an easy way to make sure you cover all the core subjects for high school, Switched On Schoolhouse does a fantastic job. There is no easier way to teach Math, Language Arts, Science, History, Geography, and Bible!

Beyond all this the options are limitless. Watching your children mature into capable adults is very satisfying. Get involved, enjoy this time, it will pass too quickly.