Wrap-Ups Multiplication

Wrap-Ups Multiplication
Our Price: $9.99


Our Price: $16.95

TENZI Card Deck

TENZI Card Deck
Our Price: $11.95

Math-U-See Delta

Math-U-See Delta
Our Price: $182.00

Math-U-See Epsilon

Math-U-See Epsilon
Our Price: $155.00

Extreme Dot to Dot: US History

Extreme Dot to Dot: US History
Our Price: $9.95

Wrap-Ups Division

Wrap-Ups Division
Retail: $9.99
Our Price: $9.99

Extreme Dot to Dot: Around the World

Extreme Dot to Dot: Around the World
Our Price: $9.95

Math-U-See Zeta

Math-U-See Zeta
Our Price: $207.00

Wrap-Ups Fractions

Wrap-Ups Fractions
Our Price: $9.99

(closeout) Mystery Mosaics Book 2

(closeout) Mystery Mosaics Book 2
Retail: $8.95
Our Price: $4.99

Jump 1, the funny flipping card game. Box cover shows a green frog jumping over a pink flower on a yellow and green background.

Jump 1
Our Price: $16.99

GeoStix Letter Construction Set. The box, in the lower-left corner, is open with pieces and activity cards in side. To the right is a praying mantis, created from the GeoStix pieces. There are letters at the top created from the GeoStix in the sequence of capital A, lowercase A, capital B, lowercase B, capital C, lowercase C. The GeoStix pieces are in many shapes and colors, including; multiple sizes of straight pieces, and multiple sizes of curved, circular, pieces.

GeoStix Letter Construction Set
Retail: $34.99
Our Price: $34.99

Mathematical Reasoning E (Grade 4)

Mathematical Reasoning E (Grade 4)
Our Price: $42.99

Mathematical Reasoning F (Grade 5)

Mathematical Reasoning F (Grade 5)
Our Price: $42.99

Horizons Math 4

Horizons Math 4
Our Price: $120.00

Before Personal Finance: Ages 8-12

Before Personal Finance: Ages 8-12
Our Price: $40.00

Horizons Math 5

Horizons Math 5
Our Price: $120.00

Mathematical Reasoning G (Grade 6)

Mathematical Reasoning G (Grade 6)
Our Price: $42.99

Horizons Math 6

Horizons Math 6
Our Price: $120.00

Understanding Pre-Algebra (Grade 7)

Understanding Pre-Algebra (Grade 7)
Our Price: $42.99

Singapore Primary Mathematics fourth grade Set. On the left are 6 books with a robot on each cover. Top row shows 2 blue books. Middle row shows 3 books; 2 red and 1 green. On the bottom is one open book showing math problems and illustrations of a robot and a girl playing with blue blocks on the floor of her living room. On the right are manipulatives in a variety of colors. Top shows fraction pieces. Middle shows transparent round tokens. Bottom shows connected blocks.

Grade 4 - Singapore Primary Mathematics
Our Price: $129.75

Singapore Primary Mathematics fifth grade Set. On the left are 6 books with a robot on each cover. Top row shows 2 blue books. Middle row shows 3 books; 2 red and 1 green. On the bottom is one open book showing math problems. On the right are manipulatives in a variety of colors. Top shows fraction pieces. Middle shows transparent round tokens. Bottom shows connected blocks.

Grade 5 - Singapore Primary Mathematics
Our Price: $129.75

Understanding Geometry (Grade 8)

Understanding Geometry (Grade 8)
Our Price: $39.99

TENZI Game - Family Combo

TENZI Game - Family Combo
Our Price: $41.00