How Do Charter Schools Work?
For the sake of simplicity, throughout this blog post, we’ll refer to all home-based charter schools, home study divisions of public schools, etc. under the title of “Charter School.” In a nutshell, a charter school gets state funding for each child they have enrolled, just as a public school would. The charter schools we work with here at Timberdoodle pass on a chunk of the funding to you for curriculum purchases (orders usually have to be placed through them) and keep the rest of the funds to cover their overhead costs. Charter schools want you to sign up with them...
What Do Your Family Devotions Really Look Like?
As a foster family with little ones 1-4 years old, devotion time has radically changed from previous years, when we were a family of grown ups! Our morning devotion routine starts with gathering the family and getting the little ones seated quietly on the couch. Honestly, this is probably the most difficult part! Some mornings are finally almost effortless, but some mornings way more time is spent on obedience than on devotions. Not to worry, this is both normal and extraordinarily valuable for the children. In fact, the toddlers probably benefit more from that training than from the actual contents...
Why don't we add a Bible portion to our curriculum?
From the time our children could sit in our laps, family devotion was a mainstay in our home, so teaching Bible to our children was paramount. But for too many families the sum total of Bible instruction for their children is Bible workbooks that are little more than read-and-regurgitate exercises, and that alarms me. Yes, I did want children to know the facts of the Bible – who killed a giant with a small stone; who was thrown into a lion’s den; and who changed water into wine, and The Action Bible does a splendid job of that. But my experience has...
Timberdoodle Communities
Social Media Groups for Encouragement, Support, and Idea Sharing Looking for a place to hang out online with like-minded homeschoolers? Wondering how anyone else handled this particular science kit? Or wishing you could encourage someone just getting started this year? Join one or more of our Timberdoodle social media groups: Join the general Timberdoodle Homeschool Community Facebook group if you enjoy using a Timberdoodle approach to homeschooling whether that is with one of our curriculum kits or not. We also have a Timberdoodle Homeschool Community MeWe group if you prefer that platform. If you’re homeschooling using Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits for Tiny Tots,...
Free Placement Test for 0-K
Young children are learning machines, simply because their brains are wired for constant exploration and experimentation. Children want to learn, and while giving kids what they want isn’t always in their best interest, we make a strong exception for learning. Much of your child’s education is absorbed by daily living. But you have an option to maximize their potential with Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits. Packed with hands-on learning, brain-stretching puzzles and games, and top-notch workbooks, we’ve heard from parent after parent that this is just the right mix for their child. And with most Timberdoodle Preschool and Pre-K students logging less...