Recent Review from Our Blog Team
Check out these reviews recently shared by members of our Blog Team. Big Letter Bananagrams One Luckey Wife Daisy says, "Both my daughter and I learn better when we fully involved in the activity. Bananagrams are an awesome way to learn letters, spelling, reading and letter sounds." Read more... Colorku Cosmic Montessori School Jeni says, "If you’ve played Sudoku, where numbers 1-9 must be contained in each row, column and square of puzzle without repeating, you understand the rules of Colorku — just sub out colors for numbers." Read more... Khan Mosaics Anyday Blessings Karie says, "This is a No-Mess Mama’s helper....
Meet Dana of Lyons, New York
We are a family of 6: Dad is a veteran who is a medical lab supervisor. Mom is a stay-at-home mom. Daughter loves art and is very talented. Son 1 lives building and creating. Son 2 loves video games and is rather good at them. Son 3 is the energetic one that keeps us on our toes. We have 3 house pets: 🐶 Lucy, 🐱 Mavis, 🐱 Loki. Soon we will be adding chickens and bees to our homestead and hope to continue to add after that. We really enjoy being outdoors and exploring. How do you Timberdoodle? I found...
Meet 2 Families from Alaska
Gracie of Anchorage, Alaska Our family consists of: Gracie, 28 forever! Joshua, 35 Maddie, 14 Caeli, 13 Dustin, 12 Lulu, 10 Brie, 6 Eli, 3 Our kiddos are so vast in personality! Our oldest son wants to be an electrophysiologist and our oldest daughter wants to be a doctor and/or possibly an attorney. Our daughter Lulu wants to be a professional chef, while our daughter Caeli wants to be a fashion designer. She also has hopes of developing affordable clothing for the homeless. She wishes for them to be warm during harsh/cold Alaska winters. Our youngest daughter wants to be...
Meet Kimberlee of Lakeview, Oregon
We are a ministry family. Dad is pastor, and Mom and two boys help with all things related to our church. Our boys love Lego, robotics, coding, physics, and riding their bikes. We travel a lot and love to see and learn new things! I have some precious photos I wanted you to see: One of my favorites from our early days of homeschooling. My boys are pictured here with their core curriculum sets from Timberdoodle on the first day of school in September, 2012. Also, this picture was taken this month on a day when Dad had to step...
Meet 2 Future Timberdoodle Families
Laura S. of Tennessee Our family consists of Mom, Dad--who’s an engineer, and 3 kids: the karate chopper the horse rider the butterfly We also have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Mom of 2 of Madison, Mississippi Girly #1 is an athlete who loves the sport of tennis. Girly #2 enjoys story time, play, and singing. Mom and dad who enjoy their girls. 3 dogs: Tinks, Bossy, and Poppy 2 fish: Goldie and Polka Dot a turtle: Snappy How do you Timberdoodle? Laura: I have never bought anything from Timberdoodle but I look at the curriculum kits every year to...