Timberdoodle Blog — FAQ
How to Pick a Curriculum
Some years ago, when we had only three children and traveling was more thinkable, we attended a number of home education workshops and conventions. It was at one of these conventions that a fellow vendor, but not fellow home educator, made the following comment: “Homeschoolers are a fickle bunch. They buy what is new, and are suckers for any fad that comes along.” He shared this in a lip- smacking sort of way, his eye on the dollars to be made. We, on the other hand, as home educators, were not very happy about his assessment and began pondering a...
Does Timberdoodle Line Up with My State Requirements?
What are Doodle Dollars?
Did you know that with almost every online Timberdoodle purchase you earn reward points? Spend a dollar, and we’ll give you a nickel back in credit. Buying a Kindergarten Curriculum Kit for $795? You’ll add $39.75 to your Doodle Dollars account! Review that kit once it arrives and add a picture, and you’ll have $44 to spend on anything from Timberdoodle, even shipping! Here are all the details:timberdoodle.com/doodledollars Deb: So Pearl, today we’re going to talk about Doodle Dollars: How do you get them? What do you do with them? Tell me what you know! Pearl: Sure. Let’s start with what they...
What About High School Transcripts and Diplomas?
If you have the privilege of homeschooling a high school student, you’ve probably wondered about transcripts and diplomas, particularly if your child is college-bound. Hope: Our question for today is regarding high school transcripts. And you guys have asked us “I don’t know how to classify what schoolwork my child has done this year, how to classify that onto the transcript!” and “I don’t know how to make a transcript!” What can you tell us about that? Pearl: Sure. So we get that question a lot and our favorite answer is to go to HSLDA, which is the Home School Legal Defense Association....
Does Timberdoodle Take Payment Plans?
Yes! Here’s how and why we accept payment plans. Looking for all the nitty-gritty details? Check out our earlier blog post about our Payment Plan Options. Deb: Hope, we often get questions here at Timberdoodle about “How can I afford your curriculum?” “Do you offer payment plans? “Are there any other ways to cut costs?” We’ve covered how to cut costs in a previous video, but why are people concerned about payment plans? What what is the driving issue here? Hope: Well, if you think about it, families as a whole don’t have to afford their whole year’s worth of fuel from the get-go. We don’t...