Homeschooling High School />

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Homeschooling High School


"What school supplies do I need?"

The simple answer is you wouldn't actually have to have much beyond your basic pencil and paper, maybe a pair of scissors and some glue or tape for most of our kits. Chances are you will likely find a few extra supplies do come in handy, so we compiled a list to help you with your planning and back-to-school shopping:

"How much time should school take?"

We asked the families who used our high school level kits how long their students spent on "school." Most of the families worked on academics 4 or 5 days a week and spent 3-5 hours a day specifically on Timberdoodle materials. It is common for families to spend more or less time than that, so don't stress if your schedule doesn't exactly match up. And, of course, the time you spend will be greatly impacted by how in-depth your student takes their studies, their learning approach, how distractible they allow themselves to be, and much more. 

What is the best advice you could give to someone who is new to homeschooling a teen?

Self-teaching at this grade is key. We recommend setting up a clearly understood list of incentives and consequences and let them be the master of their fate.

"Do you have a high school health course?"

We don't currently offer a high school health course, but check out the Dr. Livingston anatomy puzzles for high school!

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Join Our Facebook Community

Also, we'd love to have you join our parents of high schoolers community group on Facebook! If you’re using Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits for 9th through 12th grade this year, the High School Community is the group for you!
