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Homeschooling Elementary School

Overview Videos


“What level should I order?”

We offer placement tests for various subjects at This will help you determine the appropriate level for your child.

"What school supplies do I need?"

The simple answer is you wouldn't actually have to have much beyond your basic pencil and paper, maybe a pair of scissors and some glue or tape for most of our kits. Chances are you will likely find a few extra supplies do come in handy, so we compiled a list to help you with your planning and back-to-school shopping:

"How much time should school take?"

We asked the families who used our elementary level kits how long their students spent on "school." Most of the families worked on academics 4 or 5 days a week and spent 1-4 hours a day specifically on Timberdoodle materials. It is common for families to spend more or less time than that, so don't stress if your schedule doesn't exactly match up. And, of course, the time you spend will be greatly impacted by how in-depth your student takes their studies, their learning approach, how distractible they allow themselves to be, and much more. 

Younger students will almost never sit down and do all the work at once. Instead we suggest doing it in multiple short sessions throughout the day.

"My 7 year old hates writing, how can I make it more enjoyable for her?"

The starting point would be to find out why your kiddo hates writing. Does she not have the fine motor skills to form letters easily and properly yet? Does she struggle to sit still (a kinesthetic learner)? Are the assignments/workbook pages more difficult than are appropriate? Are you learning too many things at once (letter formation, sentence structure, parts of speech, spelling, grammar, etc.)? Once you can evaluate why your child dislikes writing so much, you will likely have a clearer path forward to make writing less disIF tasteful for her.

"Is there an easier way to teach history?"

You can definitely make it easier by focusing primarily on reading the text or using the audiobook and only adding activities when if fits your schedule. History doesn't need to be rigorous at this age.

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Also, we'd love to have you join our elementary grades community group on Facebook! If you’re using Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits for 1st through 4th grade this year, the Grades 1-4 Community is the group for you!
