Introductory Principles in Physics Bundle
Timberdoodle's Review
Introductory Principles in Physics BundleIntroductory Principles in Physics incorporates math, history, and science using understandable graphics and conversational text. This non-religious text is designed to challenge your student to learn, master, and retain core knowledge about physics. Unlike other science courses, the subject matter is intentionally limited to the central and essential material. Specific learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each chapter so that students know what they need to learn. Basic skills are embedded in exercises throughout the book so that students use the skills repeatedly. The mathematics requirements have been aligned with the traditional math courses students take. However, when necessary, the text provides a workaround for the principle behind physics without the arduous math.
Publisher Description
Introductory Principles in Physics (IPP), 2nd edition is an outstanding, STEM-strong, mastery-based physics text ideal for 9-11th grade. While Centripetal Press advocates the advantages of the “physics first” high school science sequence, IPP is suitable for use in any 9-11th grade context.
IPP contains two optional chapters — Buoyancy and Pressure and Geometric Optics —that contain more challenging concepts and mathematical application for use in an upper grade classroom or homeschool.
Like all Centripetal texts, IPP includes an intentional integration of related subjects along with the physics: mathematics, history of science, written and verbal communication, tie-ins to humanities, and even a little bit of epistemology (philosophy of knowledge). For this reason, the book is a favorite among humanities-based, STEM-focused, Classical-model schools, or any school that simply wants an enriching, effective learning tool for high school physics.
This Introductory Principles in Physics Bundle includes the textbook and the solutions.Publisher's Information
Author: John D. Mays
ISBN: 9780997284584
Publisher: Centripetal Press
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 362
Dimensions: 6.7 x 9.6"
Faith-Based: No