Horse Academy Smart Game
Horse Academy Smart Game
Showjumping is an equestrian sport in which a rider and horse try to jump over all of the fences on a course, in the correct order, without knocking them down. This activity requires a high level of teamwork between horse and rider. But with training and practice, competitors may someday compete at the Olympics! Horse Academy, challenges your child to create a path so that his horse jumps over obstacles in the correct sequence to reach the finish. Obstacles are placed to jump over in the same order as shown in the challenge. Sometimes you must jump the same barrier more than once! There is only one solution for each of the 80 challenges, with answers found at the end of the challenge booklet. Horse Academy is for ages 7+ and helps build cognitive skills, including spatial insight, planning, and problem-solving.
Includes: 1 game board, 1 exit gate, 10 puzzle pieces with obstacles and paths, 1 horse with rider, booklet with 80 challenges
Age: 7+, # of Challenges: 80, # of Players: 1
Publisher's Information
Faith-Based: No
Publisher: Smart Games
Made In:
Time to Play: 5-20 minutes
Players: 1
Best Puzzle Runner-Up 2009 Games Magazine
Speelgoed van het Jaar 2002 België
Dr Toy’s Best Vacation Product 2000
Parent’s Choice Recommended Award
ITSA Best Game Award 2008
Educational Toy Star Award
The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval
Timberdoodle 2011 Award Winner