Sing the Word: Great in Counsel & Mighty in Deed

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Ages: 8+

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Product Code: 840-984

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Timberdoodle's Review

Great In Counsel 

Great In Counsel is the fourth CD in the series and is perhaps the most diverse recording. "God Meant It For Good" is a heart-felt musical rendition of Joseph's poignant message to the brothers who sold him into slavery. The militaristic "The Battle Is The Lord's" recounts the thrilling story of David and Goliath. In "All Things Work Together For Good" and "Be Anxious For Nothing," soothing girls' voices create an atmosphere of child-like faith and reverence. "Iron Sharpens Iron" features a humorous dialog between son Micah, age 7, and Dad (age 54). 

The 15 Scripture memory songs focused on God's counsel and might. The musical settings are written to reflect Scripture's meaning and capture its essence in sound. 

Great In Counsel includes instrumental-only tracks for memory practice and performance. Recommended for ages 8 and up. NAS, KJV

About the Sing The Word Series:

Most Christian children's music seems trivial at best and all too frequently become unbiblical in an effort at simplicity. The music can range from tedious to obnoxious, and even if the humor was funny once, it quickly becomes exasperating as it is repeated over and over during the day. 

Thankfully, the Sing The Word Series is very different. Sung by and for children, the words you'll hear are taken directly from the scriptures. The music itself encompasses various musical styles and is neither tedious nor grating.

After listening, we were surprised to find ourselves singing the verses around the house, complete with the correct references. For a family with chronic poor memory, this was notable! 

Perhaps this was because the words are repeated several times in each song. Or maybe it is because the children's voices are so pleasing to listen to, and the tunes are catchy and easy to sing. 

Sing The Word Series is Produced by a musically enterprising couple and their clutch of young children. The Harrows found that their musical sophistication grew with their children. So expect more complex scriptural content and great musical variety (a Baroque string orchestra, a rhythmically intense Salsa band, an Irish jig...) throughout the series. 

The Bible versions vary too, including NIV, KJV, NKJV, RSV, and NAS.

Be sure to listen to the downloadable clips taken from each CD. We're confident you'll enjoy the CDs if you like the clips!


  • Psalm 8
  • Bless, Rejoice And Weep - Romans 12:14-16
  • He Has Told You O Man - Micah 6:8
  • All Things Work Together For Good - Romans 8:28
  • Be Anxious For Nothing - Phillipians 4:6-7
  • In The Beginning Was The Word - John 1:1-4
  • Iron Sharpens Iron - Proverbs 27:17
  • The Right Thing To Do - James 4:17
  • When A Man's Ways Please The LORD - Proverbs 16:7
  • God Meant It For Good - Genesis 50:20
  • More Than Sacrifice - Proverbs 21:3
  • The Battle Is The LORD's - 1 Samuel 17:45-47
  • The Light Of Life - John 8:12
  • I Am Not Ashamed - Romans 1:16
  • Psalm 42

    Instrumental only tracks are also included!

    Made in: USA

  • Listen to a sample here

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Another Excellent Harrow family project

    Listening to audio clips on the Timberdoodle website, my 5 year old decided this CD would be his "new favorite" based on the track "Iron Sharpens Iron"; more specifically, the vocalizations between the verse that made him laugh. Once we got the disk, he decided that he has about 5 new favorites on this disk. I love that there are longer passages interspersed with single verses. As with other Harrow family offerings, the instrumental arrangements really make this a great listening experience for this musician mom, and I love that the music pairs so well with the text.

    Misty M.
    Encourage Bible Memorization

    The CD Sing the Word: Great in Counsel & Mighty in Deed is an excellent way to encourage your children to memorize Scripture. You will find that they will pick up the words easily, and in short time will be singing Bible passages. As much as the kids love listening to this over and over and over, I have found a few of the songs to be very annoying. The problem is not the the songs as much as it is the music and sound effects. There is a lot of variety and some of the songs are really excellent.
    Update: The more we listen to this CD, the more I like it. I am finding myself enjoying very songs that once annoyed me! I and I am amazed to see the verses my daughters can quote. I am upping this review to a 5 star!

    The songs DO help children memorize

    With a background in music education I strongly believe in the power of music to aid memorization. I was skeptical about the 'sing the Word' CD series prior to purchasing one, out of concern for the quality of the music and recordings. I am happy to say that our family has been very pleased with this series! While not every song is pleasant to listen to repeatedly, the majority are well composed and many feature interesting musical details (rich harmonies, unusual instrumentation etc.) Best of all the songs DO help children memorize their scripture. It has helped our eldest immensely with the added benefit that our middle child, not yet school aged, has learned most of the songs too. He often prompts his older sister when she becomes stuck on a verse. Our family intends to purchase all 6 'sing the Word' CD's and to use them throughout our homeschooling years.